LibreOffice in ROXapps format for multiple systems

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LibreOffice in ROXapps format for multiple systems

Post by Duprate »

Hi! Are we going to install a "LibreOffice in ROXapps format for multiple systems"?

1- Enter the libreoffice page (;
2- If you need the English version, choose "Basic", other languages ​​choose between the "Standart" or "Full" versions, according to your need;
3- You still have to choose between "Download Fresh (latest version)" or "Download Still (stable)". I "chose Fresh";
4- Download the chosen version ........
5- For those who use "savefile", you can click on the downloaded file and configure use. A "libreoffice" folder will be created in /root/.config/ and will be saved....
5- If you are like me who doesn't use "savefile", you have several "puppys" systems installed, in addition to FatDog64 and you want to use the same libreoffice on all systems, you will have to work a little harder.....
6- With your AppImage still inside the "Downloads" folder, unzip the file with "UExtract" (image-1) and rename it to LibreOffice-;
7- The reason to work inside the /home/spot/Downloads folder is so, when ROXapps is ready, all its content already has the "spot" properties
8- With a right mouse click, select "Look Inside";
9- Leave the "opt" and "usr" folders, delete the rest;
10- Create with "Geany" a file named "AppRun" with the content below:

Code: Select all

#Start libreoffice ROXapps
DIR="`dirname \"$0\"`"
DIR="`( cd \"$DIR\" && readlink -f $(pwd) )`"
echo "DIR: $DIR"
export APPDIR=$DIR
#fix link preferences in root
ln -s /$DIR/opt/libreoffice7.4/libreoffice /root/.config
#Start office
exec /$DIR/opt/libreoffice7.4/program/soffice

11- Add a figure (.DirIcon);
12- Check the properties of the ".DirIcon" and "AppRun" files;
12- Transfer "ROXapps" to a location of your choice, outside the system; and
13- Click on the application: it will put a "link" from the LibreOffice- folder in /root/.config/ and all your settings will be saved inside ROXapps. When you close the operating system, you don't need to save anything and you can use it on multiple systems!

With OpenOffice done this way, always start with the program and then find the file you want to edit. Previously opened files,
are stored in the program and available as soon as the application is opened.

My explanations, for more experienced users, might not be necessary .... But I think this way, I can reach new users!

Good luck! :thumbup2:

Someone must be wondering: Why this tutorial if FatDog64 already has LibreOffice?

1- To have a smaller system base and that uses less memory, you can remove it from FatDog, remastering; or
Create your base system using "fatdog64-iso-builder" ( (requires also "813-pkglist.tar.xz") without LibreOffice (and other apps....) as you like!
2- In addition to the reasons mentioned above, having a more up-to-date version of LibreOffice!

image-1.jpg (44.53 KiB) Viewed 331 times
image-2.jpg (146.93 KiB) Viewed 331 times
DirIcon.png (8.71 KiB) Viewed 331 times
Last edited by Duprate on Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LibreOffice in ROXapps format for multiple systems

Post by je55eah »


The reason to work inside the /home/spot/Downloads folder is so, when ROXapps is ready, all its content already has the "spot" properties

did you also intend to run-as-spot?

Code: Select all

exec /$DIR/opt/libreoffice7.4/program/soffice
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Re: LibreOffice in ROXapps format for multiple systems

Post by Duprate »

Not. It's just to be practical and thinking of a novice user! If you download the AppImage, transfer it to another folder, another partition, unzip the file and then mount the ROXapp and, in the end, download the .DirIcon and place it inside the ROXapp, it will not display the image correctly in the folder because of of the different properties (root, spot). Either everything is "root" or everything is "spot". It will work fine anyway... :thumbup:

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Re: LibreOffice in ROXapps format for multiple systems

Post by jamesbond »

@Duprate, thanks for sharing :thumbup2:

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