Pleasantly surprised....

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Pleasantly surprised....

Post by mikewalsh »

Well, I'm astounded, guys. I'm back with 'Airedale' after several months absence, and what a pleasant surprise... Nothing jumps out at you, but there's obviously been one hell of a lot of work going on under the hood. I'm very, very impressed.

I gave up on it some months back due to an issue with juddering, stuttering, laggy video, which was unfixable by ANY means (and I tried everything, trust me). Now, everything's as smooth as oiled silk again, and I could once more contemplate spending as much time with it as I do in my daily driver, Quirky 'April'.

Thanks, y'all. Fantastic stuff......and VERY impressive. Nice to see OctoXBPS is now integrated; I could never get it to launch, much less actually use it!


Mike. ;)

(EDIT:- One peculiarity of note? Previously, my 'run-as-spot' portable browsers, Chrome & Brave, would run without issue. Now I'm getting "Permission denied"? Anything I should be aware of?)

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by rockedge »

Previously, my 'run-as-spot' portable browsers, Chrome & Brave, would run without issue. Now I'm getting "Permission denied"? Anything I should be aware of?

I am typing this from one of the Google-Chrome-portable's on KLV-Airedale-rc9. Perhaps this isn't the same version, which one is giving permission denied? I will try it out as well so I can track down what is happening to you. :geek:

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by mikewalsh »

@rockedge :-

Well, it's the 'portable' version I uploaded some little while back, that now has the auto-update routine that baraka and I perfected between us. Currently, it's at 109.0.5414.119.

This one.....from here:-

See what ya think, please. I understand there's been a lot of different user logins added to KLV in recent months?

(One other issue has come to light. At boot, my webcam is not recognised.....until I unplug it, then re-plug it again. Half-an-hour later, KLV has "lost" it again, so I have to go through the unplug/replug routine once more!

Never had this happen before. Any ideas? This is a Logitech c920 HD 'Pro', supported OOTB by the kernel UVC driver module, so essentially plug-n-play, FWIW.)

Mike. :?

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by rockedge »

@mikewalsh I haven't had a usb web cam go wonky on me yet on KLV. I will try out some of the older ones I have laying around to see if I can replicate what you're experiencing

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by rockedge »

I have been trying out the Google-Chrome-portable on several different KLV systems and I have not been able to see the permission denied error message. Still giving it a go though....

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by mikewalsh »

rockedge wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:21 pm

@mikewalsh I haven't had a usb web cam go wonky on me yet on KLV. I will try out some of the older ones I have laying around to see if I can replicate what you're experiencing

The c920 HD 'Pro', despite being an 11-yr old design, is STILL considered to be the go-to, "industry-standard" cam for ease-of-use, reliability & picture quality. Even today, they're highly sought-after, and anybody who's serious about their webcam will go out of their way to obtain one, notwithstanding the often high asking-price.

I was after one for several years, and having finally located one at a decent mark-down in the Black Friday sale 4-5 years ago, consider it to be a VERY worthwhile investment. I like it that much that I've invested in a second one for the recently-obtained Dell Latitude refurb!

It's a seriously good piece of kit; with UVC support, it's basically P'n'P in any modern Linux distro.

Mike. :)

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by mikewalsh »

@rockedge :-

Well, after booting into KLV this morning, cams are recognized this time around. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but hopefully (this time around).....

We'll see if they go AWOL again this time.


As for the "permission denied" thing on the browsers, this is what I'm getting if I attempt to run Google Chrome from the terminal:-

Code: Select all

root# ./LAUNCH
grep: /etc/DISTRO_SPECS: No such file or directory
bash: line 1: cd: /run/media/root/DATA/SYSTEM/BROWSERS/64-bit/Google_Chrome-portable: Permission denied
bash: line 1: /run/media/root/DATA/SYSTEM/BROWSERS/64-bit/Google_Chrome-portable/chrome/chrome: Permission denied

Ignore the bit about /etc/DISTRO_SPECS; that's just a personal identifier for the kennels, and won't prevent the script from running. It seems to be failing on the very first line.....

Code: Select all


I KNOW KLV has a different file-system layout from Puppy, but I don't remember this happening last time round.....

Mike. ;)

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by fredx181 »

mikewalsh wrote:

As for the "permission denied" thing on the browsers, this is what I'm getting if I attempt to run Google Chrome from the terminal:-

I think this may have to do with the way the partition is mounted, to see if that's the case, from terminal:
mount | grep /run/media/root/DATA
If it outputs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,errors=remount-ro,uhelper=udisks2) then probably that's the cause of the 'permission denied' (nosuid)
I got the same error too when running your chrome-portable on such a mounted partition, I think it's the way gvfs handles mounting, not sure if that can be configured, probably it's hard-coded.
When I run it from /mnt/home it runs OK for me, can you try that ? (/mnt/home is symlink to the partition booted from and is mounted different (not by gvfs) ).
Also you can mount your DATA labeled partition manually, something like mkdir /mnt/DATA; mount /dev/sdaX /mnt/DATA (then it's mounted without the "nosuid" option and running chrome-portable from there should work then)
No such problems btw with pup-volume-monitor installed instead of gvfs.

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by mikewalsh »

@fredx181 :-

Uh-huh. It's starting to come back to me, now you mention this stuff. I vaguely recall all this from the earlier 'alpha' releases, when I was more involved, and we were still figuring out workarounds for a lot of things.

I'll try what you've mentioned after lunch. I've only just set rc9 up, and haven't got a lot of the background stuff - like auto-mounting! - configured yet.

Also you can mount your DATA labeled partition manually, something like

Code: Select all

mkdir /mnt/DATA; mount /dev/sdaX /mnt/DATA

(then it's mounted without the "nosuid" option and running chrome-portable from there should work then)

Ah. We can do that now, can we? I recall setting everything up the traditional way editing /etc/fstab. A method I find incredibly fiddly.

I'll see what happens. Cheers.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by fredx181 »

mikewalsh wrote:

Ah. We can do that now, can we? I recall setting everything up the traditional way editing /etc/fstab. A method I find incredibly fiddly.

I think that's the only way to "override" the default mount options for a partition, by editing /etc/fstab, by e.g. doing:
mkdir /mnt/DATA
And add line to /etc/fstab:
/dev/disk/by-uuid/<UUID> /mnt/DATA auto users,exec,dev,suid,x-gvfs-show,noauto 0 0
Replace <UUID> with the real uuid of your partition.
With the noauto option it will be not mounted automatically at boot (which I would prefer), remove it if you want it auto mounted.

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by rockedge »

No such problems btw with pup-volume-monitor installed instead of gvfs.

Yes I had good luck with it and still weigh using it. @fredx181 do you have a quick link for a copy of the latest package of pup-volume-monitor?

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by fredx181 »

rockedge wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:50 pm

No such problems btw with pup-volume-monitor installed instead of gvfs.

Yes I had good luck with it and still weigh using it. @fredx181 do you have a quick link for a copy of the latest package of pup-volume-monitor?

I had attached xbps package in one of the KLV threads, didn't bother to find out where, so here it is again:

pup-volume-monitor for KLV-Airedale
(415.14 KiB) Downloaded 53 times

EDIT: Better remove all gvfs related packages before installing this, otherwise you get all partitions/drives double in Thunar or on the Desktop.

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by mikewalsh »

@fredx181 :-

Well, I did it your way, except I used UUIDs instead of just mount-points. A way in which I've created auto-start scripts for years.

I created 4 directories in /mnt first, manually - 'BOOT', 'DATA', 'S.Desk-1' and 'S.Desk-2' then ran the commands. They're now in a script in /root/Startup. That takes care of sda1, sda3, sdb1 and sdb2. Sda2 is the kennels' 'home'.

Rather than as we do in Puppy, where the drive icons show on the desktop, then they open with ROX when you click on them, I've simply sent those 4 directories to the desktop as links. Just as neat as under Puppy, though frankly I think I prefer it this way.....essentially I've got the same links as I would with Puppy, but these are straight into the directories.


Straight in, as opposed to Puppy's mount, THEN open & access.... Well, it works for me, anyroad.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by fredx181 »

A bit annoying that the "boot" partition doesn't show in Thunar (and not on the Desktop) (have to go to /mnt/ to open it (mnt/home)).
But here's a little trick to make it show by putting an entry in /etc/fstab, running below script will at the end show what to add to /etc/fstab, and after saving /etc/fstab, the change will directly apply, nice :)
Note that I only tested this from a regular frugal install, don't know about ISO boot (probably /mnt/home is symlink then to the ISO contents)

Code: Select all

# make the "boot" partition show in Thunar and on XFCE Desktop

DEV=$(readlink -f /mnt/home | sed 's#/mnt/##')
UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/$DEV)

echo "Add below to /etc/fstab:"
echo "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$UUID /mnt/$DEV auto x-gvfs-show 0 0"
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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by rockedge »

This is really good 👍
I have been bothered by this since the first builds

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by fredx181 »

rockedge wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:40 pm

This is really good 👍
I have been bothered by this since the first builds

Yeah, but unfortunately it's only for the user to run after booting, not something you could add in the build, I think (e.g. as a startup script), will investigate further.

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by wiak »

fredx181 wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:14 pm

A bit annoying that the "boot" partition doesn't show in Thunar (and not on the Desktop) (have to go to /mnt/ to open it (mnt/home)).
But here's a little trick to make it show by putting an entry in /etc/fstab, running below script will at the end show what to add to /etc/fstab, and after saving /etc/fstab, the change will directly apply, nice :)
Note that I only tested this from a regular frugal install, don't know about ISO boot (probably /mnt/home is symlink then to the ISO contents)

Code: Select all

# make the "boot" partition show in Thunar and on XFCE Desktop

DEV=$(readlink -f /mnt/home | sed 's#/mnt/##')
UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/$DEV)

echo "Add below to /etc/fstab:"
echo "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$UUID /mnt/$DEV auto x-gvfs-show 0 0"

I just woke up and saw this. No, you don't need to do above, sorry. The initrd currently arranges for the bootfrom partition to appear directly under /mnt. Personally I just use a Thunar bookmark to it and didn't realize anyone found that a problem. I didn't write the initrd thinking about Thunar but easy fix actually I think. No such double-mount fstab tricks needed.

As geo_c noted in one of his early posts, Thunar itself mounts filesystems at /media/root so I think all you need to do is modify w_init changing the following line as below and thereafter the mounted boot partition should appear in Thunar side panel.

The external (or internal to initrd) w_init line to change is line 415 (or thereabouts) from existing:

Code: Select all

mountpoint -q /mnt/${bootpartition} && mount --move /mnt/${bootpartition} merged/mnt/${bootpartition}


Code: Select all

mkdir -p merged/media/root/${bootpartition}
mountpoint -q /mnt/${bootpartition} && mount --move /mnt/${bootpartition} merged/media/root/${bootpartition}

Be careful not to put / before merged... must be exact.

The original following little code extract just before all that (part of line 414) can be removed of course: mkdir -p merged/mnt/${bootpartition} or really mkdir -p merged/media/root/${bootpartition} replaces it there is what I'll actually do.

If no issues with that after a lot of testing (should be fine) I'll put it in next skeleton FR initrd. Let me know if that is what you mean and if working for you. Not sure if other filemanagers refer to different mount point, but maybe become standard(?)

Indeed, per geo_c noting that Thunar /media/root situation I have been planning to modify utility wd_mount too such that it uses same mount area such that its' mounts are also noticed by Thunar more conveniently. Just haven't got round to it (and not important when using Thunar then anyway since it registers external plugged in media anyway).
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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by wiak »

Per the above additional comment about the separate wd_mount utility, I have attached version of it that I think should work better from Thunar side panel point of view (just remove the dummy tar and make executable; whilst Thunar mounts most stuff, sometimes wd_mount is useful more generally). EDIT: re-uploaded (missed a /).

As far as FR skeleton initrd is concerned, I won't publish new one until it has been tested for a while despite this being a seemingly minor change. The initrd being such a key component I like it tested well first.

Note: since Thunar doesn't do the mounting when wd_mount is involved it doesn't know to remove the mount directory (/media/root/whatever) so it is up to the user to do that if unmounting later. No harm done but a bit messy... However, as I said, wd_mount should be rarely used when Thunar is being used anyway. I suppose in theory wd_mount could itself store the mount point temporily and remove it if run again, but that's a complication that the simple utility wasn't intended for. Always nicer if partitions are given a LABEL since Thunar displays that rather than just Volume size followed by UUID, but works regardless; wIth wd_mount Thunar will display device name.

remove dummy tar and chmod +x
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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by rockedge »

@wiak I just put this in w_init in KLV-Airedale-rc10 which is equipped with the Void Linux kernel 6.1.8. So far works as expected!

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2023 12:47 am

@wiak I just put this in w_init in KLV-Airedale-rc10 which is equipped with the Void Linux kernel 6.1.8. So far works as expected!

That's fine. Hopefully it is fine. Any changes to initrd boot could have side-effects I haven't thought of, but I have a feeling it will be fine and used in next initrd-latest.gz release (after some further testing). Using 'fine' three times shows optimism!!!
Since KLU-jam is new and under test anyway, I will include the same in rc3 version of that too.
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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by fredx181 »

wiak wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:45 pm
fredx181 wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 5:14 pm

A bit annoying that the "boot" partition doesn't show in Thunar (and not on the Desktop) (have to go to /mnt/ to open it (mnt/home)).
But here's a little trick to make it show by putting an entry in /etc/fstab, running below script will at the end show what to add to /etc/fstab, and after saving /etc/fstab, the change will directly apply, nice :)
Note that I only tested this from a regular frugal install, don't know about ISO boot (probably /mnt/home is symlink then to the ISO contents)

Code: Select all

# make the "boot" partition show in Thunar and on XFCE Desktop

DEV=$(readlink -f /mnt/home | sed 's#/mnt/##')
UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/$DEV)

echo "Add below to /etc/fstab:"
echo "/dev/disk/by-uuid/$UUID /mnt/$DEV auto x-gvfs-show 0 0"


The external (or internal to initrd) w_init line to change is line 415 (or thereabouts) from existing:

Code: Select all

mountpoint -q /mnt/${bootpartition} && mount --move /mnt/${bootpartition} merged/mnt/${bootpartition}


Code: Select all

mkdir -p merged/media/root/${bootpartition}
mountpoint -q /mnt/${bootpartition} && mount --move /mnt/${bootpartition} merged/media/root/${bootpartition}

That works fine fine fine ;)

in rc-10 thread, rockedge wrote:

From a suggestion by @wiak added in a modification to w_init that will display icons for /mnt/home partition in Thunar and on the desktop.

No such change in w_init in the rc-10 ISO, also the change from William has a side effect: /mnt/home symlink is broken, can be fixed with small change in the script, attached below.
swapper,sh for in /root/my-applications/bin, remove fake .gz and make executable
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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by rockedge »

No such change in w_init in the rc-10 ISO

I just double checked the rc10 ISO and it does have the modified w_init contained within it. Line 416 and 417.

Putting in the new, thanks @fredx181 for the attention to the details!

Quick update! I added in the new and double checked the w_init file modification then repackaged the ISO and uploaded it.

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by fredx181 »

Pristine install of rc-10 (just downloaded latest, I presume), works now showing the boot partition, but got these on my desktop:

Screenshot.png (44.85 KiB) Viewed 2959 times

And /mnt/home is broken symlink still.
I think I see what's wrong, line 414 shouldn't be commented out in w_init. (layers not show now in /mnt)
But please wait with replacing the ISO, I'll make a fix for save2flash today or tomorrow.

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by rockedge »

@fredx181 Your work is extremely important to the Kennel Linux and KLV-Airedale in particular, projects. Of course I'll wait for a save2flash update. Thanks for the help (listening to WPKN's Radio Nothing show all morning on YRadio).

I will experiment with the w_init lines further in the meantime. Hopefully at some point I will have all the pieces together! :thumbup:

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by fredx181 »

Well, I just like very much your KLV initiative with the Void Linux, XFCE, runit (no systemd, please, please !?) and wiak's firstrib init system and so on... , IT'S GREAT! :thumbup: so I'm happy to cooperate in some way !
What's with Yradio ? I can listen to WPKN , not you? (edit: well it doesn't display metadata, like song titles, many other stations do show, but not WPKN).
EDIT: NEW save2flash here: ... 880#p74880

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Re: Pleasantly surprised....

Post by rockedge »

fredx181 wrote:

I can listen to WPKN , not you?

Yes I can listen!!

YRadio does a great job and I have listened to WPKN for many years. I live about 10 miles away from the station's studios. Used to be on the campus of the University of Bridgeport but they just moved to a brand new built studio on top of a restored theater directly in downtown Bridgeport.

Bridgeport is a tough city.

Excellent community radio station.

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