Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

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Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by AstonX »

AS i say in title i tried many puppies but nothing that work well in my qemu machine
so is there one with Wine presinstalled ?

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by amethyst »

AstonX wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 10:00 am

AS i say in title i tried many puppies but nothing that work well in my qemu machine
so is there one with Wine presinstalled ?

Any reason why you don't want to install Puppy?

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by mikeslr »

Written before I've had breakfast and a second cup of coffee. :) So my mind isn't yet sufficiently organized to tie all the following thoughts together.
I'm not sure a Puppy with Wine pre-installed has ever been published. I sort of remember there being a remaster among the 5000+ versions of Puppy out there; but that may be a false memory. It sort of runs contrary to Puppy Philosophy to build small systems and let the user 'flesh-them-out'.
Edit--Afterthought: As I continued writing it occurred to me that maybe one of the specialized Pups designed for Music production may have included Wine in order to also include Windows applications used in the production of Music. Hence, maybe jackalpup, studio 13.37 or Artstudio32. You'll find the latter on the German Language Section; but you can configure it to display in other languages.

I don't know how quemu, the operating systems under it and the applications under that operating system integrate. I sort of recall that a discussion on the 'old' Forum indicated something to the effect under virtualbox? that you first had to create a Drive within the virtualbox; then frugally install Puppy into it. But it would be best if you started a thread under 'Users', detail what you did, what errors that produced and seek assistance.

If the above recollection is correct, and if Puppys run under quemu can use SFSes, you might try portable wine. As my recent exploration suggests, the installation of Wine seems to be designed to initiate at the highest level, ignoring restricting technologies such as chroot. That may be the problem you've encountered trying to install it an emulator. Portable-Wine, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 342#989245, however, isn't installed. It's pre-packaged as an SFS which you 'register' creating links to your operating system.

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by mikewalsh »

@mikeslr :-

Now then. Let me "pick your brains" if I may. You've got more experience with 'portable-WINE' than I do (at least, the way Shinobar originally built it, anyway). I only briefly experimented with it a few years back, and wasn't that keen on the way it worked....

As I understand it, 'portable-WINE' consists of WINE itself, packed as an SFS, plus a bunch of scripts.....and then this little lot is all packed as a ROX-App, yes? As you say, it 'registers' itself on the Menu; I'm guessing this is basically a bunch of sym-links or summat similar. So; answer me this. Where does portable-WINE 'unpack' the contents of that SFS to while it's 'loaded'?

Does it all remain within the ROX-App directory? I'm not nit-picking, or anything like that.....I'm genuinely curious. I've tried reading Shinobar's scripts a few times, but he's more of a coder than I shall ever be; there's so many variables, and so much in the way of 'conditional' stuff, along with liberal usage of 'awk', 'grep', etc, that I'm just completely lost!

T'other Mike. ;)

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by bigpup »

AstonX wrote: Fri Apr 02, 2021 10:00 am

AS i say in title i tried many puppies but nothing that work well in my qemu machine
so is there one with Wine presinstalled ?

What does not work well?
The Puppy version you tried or trying to install Wine in it?

If you are having problems installing Wine and using it.
That is probably you just not understanding how to do it.

So tell us a specific Puppy version you want to use?

Do you know how to setup and use Wine?
It is more than just installing Wine.
With Wine constantly being improved and bug fixed.
How to install Wine and get it working, is really something you need to know.

Also, what Windows based program you are trying to run affects how you setup Wine.
Wine is not 100% able to run every possible Windows program.
Some programs will work 100%. Others not so good or maybe not at all.
But, a lot of Wine configure settings, can affect, getting a specific program, working.

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by mikeslr »

Mike, TBH, you know more about coding than I. When I read executables such as grep and awk, all I can do is gawk. :roll:
Portable-wine installs only those files within the OS sufficient to generate Menu entries: a pixmap, desktop files and one executable 'on the path'. The latter is /usr/bin/wine.sh.: 542 lines of dense code. Within the Rox-App folder, itself, on /mnt/home --or wherever it's been located-- is an SFS containing all the files and connections between them wine requires in order to function; AND another script named wine-portable. That script contains 349 lines of dense code.
But to function with the operating system wines files have exist into RAM as and when they are needed. The last line of the wine-portable script reads "umountsfs". So my best guesses are that the "SFS" to which the umountsfs refers is the wine_xxx_.sfs within the Rox-App; and that between the two scripts, wine.sh and wine-portable, and their 891 lines of code are the instructions to copy into RAM the wine files contained within that SFS as and when they are needed and remove them from RAM when they are not.
Where in RAM? Your guess is better than mine. I opened Menu>System>Wine Windows Program Loader and via terminal (wine.sh winefile) its file manager and examined the top-level folders which --bolded-- appear to have recently been written. Nothing jumped out and bit me beyond the fact that under /mnt/ the wine_xxx.sfs is mounted.

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by AstonX »


I'm not sure a Puppy with Wine pre-installed has ever been published.

Yes it is ,i found one on sourceForge called shiba Inu ,ok it have wine but have strange problem with
seting resolution.
reason ...I need quick testing under Wine my compiled programs on windows due constant changes ,i must go in another room
where is my second computer where i have installed linux ,so that is why i need to run in into vortual machine or i put it on usb stick.
thanks ..for reply..

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by AstonX »

is there any on hungary puppies?
i mean with wine

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by amethyst »

AstonX wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:48 pm


I'm not sure a Puppy with Wine pre-installed has ever been published.

Yes it is ,i found one on sourceForge called shiba Inu ,ok it have wine but have strange problem with
seting resolution.
reason ...I need quick testing under Wine my compiled programs on windows due constant changes ,i must go in another room
where is my second computer where i have installed linux ,so that is why i need to run in into vortual machine or i put it on usb stick.
thanks ..for reply..

There are no official Puppys with Wine pre-installed as far as I know. You are referring to someones' own build/rebuild or remaster. The officially released Puppys are indicated as such in this forum, here: viewforum.php?f=114.

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by amethyst »

AstonX wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:01 am

is there any on hungary puppies?
i mean with wine

How are you loading puppy in the emulator, as an ISO? You can make a new bootable ISO by adding a Wine sfs to the existing files and calling it an adrv, eg: adrv_[name of your puppy].sfs OR just load a Wine.sfs as an sfs add-on during a session (easier), no need for a new iso in this case OR install a Wine.pet for the session. Here are Wine.pet packages to download: https://version2013.yolasite.com/page1.php#wine

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by mikeslr »

AstonX, "I need quick testing under Wine my compiled programs on windows due constant changes".

I would again suggest that you try portable-wine. The package I provided a link to used version2013's wine pet wine-3.3_v2.1. The v2 indicates that he compiled it under racy. Consequently, any Puppy of the Series 5, 6, 7. 8, and 9 can potentially employ it. I've used it under Slacko 5.7x thru Bionicpup32-8.0, and (with 32-bit compatibility SFS loaded) Fossapup64-9.5 to mention a few. As I indicated here, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 612#904612 what I did was substitute version2013 newer Wine built for the older version he had used to create a portable using the techniques and devices developed by shinobar and the Japanese Team.

The result is a true portable. It can be located anywhere. When configure Wine the first time it creates --I think it's called-- the 'wine-bottle'-- within portable folder rather than within your PuppyOS. Thereafter, the portable folder can be copied or moved from where it is initially located to anywhere else. Any Windows programs you install are installed into /wine-data/drive_c/Program Files within the portable-wine folder rather than within your OS. Consequently, when you copy or move the portable-wine folder, those window programs you installed into it are also moved and remain available. And, of course, it will run portable-windows programs you've placed anywhere. If it meets your needs, it and the Puppy or Puppys which make use of it can be located on a USB-Key.

As indicate in my response to Mike Walsh, "Portable-wine installs only those files within the OS sufficient to generate Menu entries: a pixmap, desktop files and one executable 'on the path'." That installation takes place when you execute the 'Register' script located in the portable-wine folder. If you are working without using a SaveFile/Folder you can, at any time, run the Register script [perhaps a restart-x is also necessary] and within the few seconds it takes for those files to be written to RAM, you portable-wine, the programs you've installed into it, and any portable-windows programs are, again, available. The same is true if you want to use your portable-wine under a new or different Puppy.

But your setup has to be able to employ SFSes, which is why I asked how you setup Quemu and whether that setup could use SFSes.

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by mikewalsh »

@mikeslr :-

Bearing in mind what you said a while back about trying to create a 4-series portable-WINE & getting nowhere fast - yet still wishing to update 3.3 a wee bit - I've successfully put together a newer portable-WINE using version2013's very last 3-series build.....3.21_v2.1.

I studied what you'd done, and took note of the 'differences' between the .pet & the portable, and thought, "Hell; let's go for it." I built the updated SFS for WINE 3.21, then dropped it into your portable 3.3 in place of the original. Fired up Xenial 32 with 'pfix=ram' to test it out, and it fired-up as smooth as you like. Took about 40 minutes all told.

I'm setting-up Xenialpup 7.5 on a 32 GB USB 3.2-gen SanDisk Ultra 'Fit' (one of these tiny, 'nano'-sized drives). Couple of portable browsers, portable Thunderbird, portable-WINE (for a change!) and a bunch of Windoze portable-apps. I'll install a coupla things from the PPM before EOL hits (can't believe even Xenial has now reached the end of its run; where DOES the time go?)

This will then be my 'current' Puppy-on-a-stick for the forseeable future.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by AstonX »

I would again suggest that you try portable-wine.

hello mike
I am not sure that i understand all suggestions and explanations you made ,first i don'thave
exeperience as you have .
The best results i have with puppy is with old Saluki...
ok if i made something i will let you know ;)

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by mikeslr »

In my first post to this thread I mentioned "I sort of recall that a discussion on the 'old' Forum indicated something to the effect under virtualbox? that you first had to create a Drive within the virtualbox; then frugally install Puppy into it." It seems my sometimes flaky memory didn't fail on this occasion. 8-bit provided the instructions here, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 451#507451:
"...Right. You install virtualbox, create a virtual hard drive, set boot order to CD, boot to Puppy, and install Puppy and grub to the virtual drive.
At first reboot or shutdown, Select do not save. Then boot to puppy in vitualbox and select save when you shut down or reboot the first time." Emphasis supplied.

But I kind-of recall a more extensive discussion. And, of course, quemu may work differently.

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by rockedge »

A quick way to set up a Puppy Linux as a VirtualBox machine does include first creating the virtual dynamic hard drive then booting a Puppy using a CD-ROM or Live ISO of a Puppy Linux. Start the Puppy and with GParted format and create the HDD partitions then install Frugally as usual. Remove the ISO you booted with from the virtual optical drive and reboot the new Puppy Linux virtual machine.

I also use a Puppy Linux ISO booted via the virtual optical drive to format and create the correct partitions to setup WeeDog's as virtual machines. I use Puppy's FTP server for example to then upload the WeeDog files into a frugal install on the virtual HDD.

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Re: Which puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled

Post by mikeslr »

@ AstonX: It's occurred to me that the language barrier may have resulted in a misunderstanding of your goal:

AstonX wrote: Sun Apr 04, 2021 2:48 pm

...I need quick testing under Wine my compiled programs on windows due constant changes ,i must go in another room where is my second computer where i have installed linux...

Are you compiling Windows programs? If so, why not run Windows in virtualbox under a Linux Distro?
FYI, free window 7 ISO can be obtained here, https://www.softgets.com/windows-7-ulti ... -download/. Windows XP from here, https://blumoo.com/windows-xp-pro-iso/. A little searching will reveal other sources. My recollection that the absence of 'authentication' keys/ serial numbers and such is not a deterrent.

Are you compiling Linux applications? Then why a need for Wine, Windows or even Puppy?
About the only way I can think of where your procedure makes sense is if you are trying to create or perfect Windows programs to run under Wine.

Another question: Are you trying to run Puppy directly from a downloaded ISO? Other Linux's may work well if run that way under quemu, virtualbox or VMWare. But Puppys don't. Puppys are designed to 'Run-in-RAM' by merging in RAM the files from the file-systems contained in the ISO, PLUS those additional files you install or load into RAM. Hence, amethyst's suggestion to create an adrv.sfs. Puppy will treat that as a source file-system to 'merge in RAM'. I'm not sure if you boot directly from an ISO a separate adrv.sfs will become part of your system 'in RAM'. I think, however, the use of portable-wine as described in my previous post may work. That is, after creating the 'wine bottle' the first time, you should be able to register portable wine on each new boot into Puppy.

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by mikeslr »

@ Mike Walsh:

trlkly seems to have figured out how to 'up-grade' beyond Wine version 3x, even to make use of 64-bit Wine, http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... e5#1030483.
From time-to-time I get the urge to build a newer version. But (a) the last time I looked at my recipe, http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 612#904612, I found it difficult to follow. :oops: Glad that you could. :thumbup: I've considered re-writing it. I also wonder if all the steps I took were really necessary: whether just converting a pet to an SFS might not have been sufficient? Or almost sufficient with some adjustments suggested by trikly.
And (b) the facts are that I'm now mostly running 64-bit Puppies. Between the Wine-AppImage and my last build of portable-wine there aren't any Windows programs I actually need which can't be used.
Publishing a new version of portable-wine will remain 'on the back-burner' until I encounter an actual need to do something.

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by amethyst »

I'm not sure if you boot directly from an ISO a separate adrv.sfs will become part of your system 'in RAM

It will if you boot in RAM and have enough RAM HOWEVER if you want it to be loaded in RAM or otherwise, the adrv must be in the same location as the Puppy files which will mean that you will have to make a new iso to include the adrv with the other Puppy files. Newer Puppy's have sfs_load incuded which ebables you to load extra sfs files during a session so it will also be possible to load Wine as an sfs-addon from anywhere (so that does not need inclusion with the other Puppy files like an adrv). You can also of course install a .pet for temporary use.

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Re: Puppy 32 bit with Wine preinstalled -- ALMOST

Post by mikeslr »

See this post, viewtopic.php?p=35380#p35380.

1. Download the xenialpup iso from a link from this post: viewtopic.php?f=116&t=177.
2. Decompress the ISO. Using another Puppy, Left-Click the ISO. From the window that opens copy files into a folder. [Left-Click the ISO again to unmount it].
2. a. If you want to create a new ISO, copy all the files except puppy_xenialpup_7.5.sfs. [The folder should have a unique name, e.g. xenialpup_wine].
2. b. If you just want to boot xenialpup-with-wine from one computer just copy these files into a folder: initrd.gz, vmlinuz, zdrv_xenialpup_7.5.sfs. [I recommend that folder have a short, but meaningful, name, e.g. xen32wine].
3. Download the puppy_xenialpup_7.5.sfs from the link at the top of this post into your folder.
4.a. To create a new ISO, some Puppys have dir2iso on their Right-Click Menu. Otherwise, Packit can be used. [As the original ISO included bootloader files, Step 4.b isn't required].
4.b. To boot any Puppy, there has to be a boot-loader which calls it. If you're adding xenialpup-with-wine --i.e., from Step 2.b.-- to you computer add it to your boot-loader, by running frugalpup-installer or grub2config-2.0.1. [Non-UEFI computers can also use grub4dos].

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by AstonX »

Sorry i forget to answer and what i read is really interesting
but is also totaly confusing to me put this-then then us thing ...etc..etc ..
i simply cannot follow all this operations :shock:
...some time ago i was thinking that is possibile to change
or modify linux distro directly under windows folder i mean deconstruct ISO
the construct it again ..heh silly me ..

ok only Puppy i have found with presinstalled Wine is
AlienPup...hmmm little bit strange but Wine work well in this pupplet.

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by mouldy »

Old thread, but one of Puppy members offers bunch of different version WINE packages that tend to work very nicely, the 32bit versions used on 64bit system would need the 32bit compatibility sfs used or on Easy which didnt have such when I installed WINE package, I just copied the 32bit libraries from elsewhere and couple sim links and worked. I was surprised how well, but as long as it finds the 32bit libraries it doesnt apparently care.

Oh and there is an unofficial WINE5 appimage out there and mentioned elsewhere on forum, sorry dont have link handy. But I tried it and for its reasonable size and all it works very well and includes the 32bit libraries. Also an unofficial WINE7 appimage that is HUGE pile 'o crap and doesnt include 32bit libraries. I couldnt get it to work. I needed WINE6 or newer so didnt do me any good. Oh any with apt-get or other major package manager, you can add wineHQ repository and let it do all the heavy lifting. Lot of repositories have older versions WINE, thus needing to add the wineHQ repository. Usually works ok, had problem once telling me I had a broken package. Oh and playonlinux is the ultimate easy way to install any version WINE. Assuming it likes your way of internet connection cause it insists on phoning home before it will let you install software and has some arbitrary test if a connection is available. No idea why.

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by mikewalsh »

Just for information:-

It looks like version2013's WINE builds are no longer available from his own site. Every single link is now dead.

I hope ally's managed to copy some of these over into the archives.

Mike. :|

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by ally »

sorry, never did wine stuff

point me to the dead links please


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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by mouldy »

Thats a shame, those packages worked well. Just takes away one option if they arent recoverable.

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by mikeslr »

Ally, you already have them archived. Wait a couple minutes while I post to this and the primary Wine thread.

p.s. You're even smarter than you knew. :lol: Thanks again for saving our bacon. :thumbup:

See my post here about current links to the wine pets, viewtopic.php?p=63776#p63776

@ rockedge: Instructions on how to now obtain wine pets should be easier to find than as it currently stands --at the end of a thread. If you want, I can repost under a title similar to "Finding nemo" :mrgreen: which could be made a sticky.

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by ally »

hi mike

that is not mine - I am ashamed!

however, I'm grabbing them now and I'll post on the puppy archive pages

~75gb so will be a few hours, search the puppy archive under date published>date archived


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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by mikewalsh »

@ally :-

Cheers, ally. Now that's one thing that does deserve archiving.....IF you've got the space available, of course.

(I found out myself what mikeslr was talking about a bit earlier in the day yesterday. After reading version2013's thread in the WINE sub-forum, I saw how to access them.....ON archive.org itself, though I believe it's the US domain.

Needed a couple of newer builds, because I wanted to update shinobar's wine-portable.)


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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by spiritwild »

I use to use this version on my older computers. it was set up with wine installed. a bit outdated.

https://archive.org/details/Puppy_Linux ... r-xp-puppy

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by ally »


I have grabbed all the '2013 repository .tar files, they have been extracted and are going up now

~2500 files and 69 gigs so this will probably take the night

will be here: https://archive.org/details/Puppy_Linux_Wine_Repository

will hunt for more and add when I find them


ps - if you have any wine files in your own repos let me know and I'll wing them up

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Re: Which Puppy 32 bit have Wine preinstalled?

Post by ally »

ok, its fully populated now


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