Multi monitor app in Fossapup won't extend the desktop to 2nd monitor (Solved)

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Multi monitor app in Fossapup won't extend the desktop to 2nd monitor (Solved)

Post by bebop »

Good day forum,

I've frugal install fossapup64 9.5 on an HP Compaq 6200 Intel Q65 Pentium G620, 6gb ram, IGP.

my only multi monitor setups experience are on windows and mac system... so I'm sorry for my low understanding of linux graphic/monitor/desktop configs.

the motheboard has 2 video output, VGA and Display port (detected by puppy as HDMI).
if i connect 2 monitors and use the multi monitor setup application included in puppy, I can't get the two monitor to extend the desktop, but only replicate the same desktop.
I have tried multiple configuration...
With 2 monitors of same type/resolution and with monitor with different resolutions.
In the first scenario, with two Asus TL226 1680*1050, when I set the secondary monitor position (on the left/right/above/below) and click apply, the desktop windows vanish, only the taskbar is show, and so I can't confirm/cancel the setting, but i notice that the mouse is always replicated in the two monitors, so I think that the extend configuration is not working. after few seconds everything roll back to previous settings with replicated desktop.

if the secondary monitor has a different resolution, like 1280*1024 (4:3 monitor), the multi monitor config correctly detect and apply the native resolution, but keep replicating the desktop so the image is out the screen boundary. when I set the multi monitor setup with the screen position on the left/right and click ok, the image on the secondary monitor became streched and incomplete, on the primary monitor the desktop is "broken", with icon missing and probably lost between primary and secondary monitor image (not shown correctly).

question is, with a primary 16:10 1680*1050 and secondary 4:3 1280*1024 monitors, is it possible to setup an extended multimonitor setup with the 16:10 primary display (showing the desktop) and the 4:3 acting as secondary monitor showing a secondary desktop where I can drag application and stuffs?

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Re: Multi monitor extended desktop setup help

Post by bebop »

after a few tries and some reboots, with the secondary monitor set "to the right", the desktop is correclty extended... only problem is that actually the secondary monitor is on the left (no space on the desk to place on the right side), but if I set that config, the desktop "start" on the secondary monitor on the left, to be extended on my primary monitor in front of me... no good.

for now I will stick with that confing, I only have to remeber to drag things on the right side to have them in the left side :mrgreen:

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