Trilium -- Wiki on steroids

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Trilium -- Wiki on steroids

Post by mikeslr »

Hi All,

I'm still looking for a native Linux application to replace InfoCentral replacement. Trilium may be it. It's been describe as "Hierarchical note taking application with focus on building knowledge bases" and as "a self hosted note taking web application". It's electron-based. Per it's website,

Notes can be arranged into arbitrarily deep tree. Single note can be placed into multiple places in the tree (see cloning)
Rich WYSIWYG note editing including e.g. tables and images with markdown autoformat
Support for editing notes with source code, including syntax highlighting
Fast and easy navigation between notes, full text search and note hoisting
Seamless note versioning
Note attributes can be used for note organization, querying and advanced scripting
Synchronization with self-hosted sync server
Strong note encryption with per-note granularity
Relation maps and link maps for visualizing notes and their relations
Scripting - see Advanced showcases
Scales well in both usability and performance upwards of 100 000 notes
Touch optimized mobile frontend for smartphones and tablets
Night theme
Evernote and Markdown import & export
Web Clipper for easy saving of web content"

which by no way does it justice. You can obtain a quick overview from the screenshots:
Warning, this is a feature-rich application. While you can start creating notes immediately, it will take some time to master. However, what you download is an application already containing a "Demo" version which illustrates its main features and provides 'tool-tips'. It is also well documented. I recommend that you download it and spend an hour just examining the Demo and thinking about how you might work with it.
For example, I was disappointed that it did not have a built in Address Book. But it can generate Tables. So it occurred to me that one could create a Table containing contact information. Neither ideal nor practical if you have many contacts, but adequate for a couple dozen. And, of course, you could set up Contact Tables for different groups: e.g. Family, Medical and Pharmaceutical, Bowling League :) , etc.
Notes can contain images, gifs and hyper-links.
I downloaded the trilium-linux-x64-0.44.4.tar.xz, ... 4.4.tar.xz, UExtracted it and moved the resulting trilium-linux-64 folder to the location on /mnt/home where my other portables are located. Within that folder was a script named "". To run it as Root, I took a page from Mike Walsh and edited the last line to read ""$DIR/trilium" --no-sandbox": In other words, I just added " --no-sandbox". Note the space.
My overall impression is Wow. :thumbup: :D
On the above download location is another file named "trilium-linux-x64-server-0.44.4.tar.xz". I know nothing about it. But the inclusion of the term "server" is suggestive.
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