ydown-0.6.5 link downloader / download management
I created this yad script from an idea started by @stemsee at viewtopic.php?t=8467
yad, wget & curl
xsel -or- xclip
Once you start this from the menu it will watch for web links from your clipboard and you'll get a popup if you'd like to download the link. I've added support for wetransfer and workupload links in this version 0.2. Also, if you have youtube-dl or yt-dlp installed you can download from youtube links.
0.4.1 - Added ability to edit file name with workupload. Added support for mediafire and google drive. For the best support of google drive install gdown https://github.com/wkentaro/gdown . Added better support for mega.nz with megatools from https://megatools.megous.com/ . Added support for instagram, facebook and twitter video with youtube-dl (or yt-dlp).
0.4.2 - Added more options to preferences, including buttons to install or guide you to the web page to install gdown & megatools. Added script to download yt-dlp if you don't have youtube-dl or yt-dlp installed and click ok. Possible support for sourceforge (seems to work in my minimal testing).
0.4.3 - If your download ends up being a html file and you have yt-dlp or youtube-dl installed the script will retry downloading using that instead. I've noticed it seems to work on alot of video sites. I've also edited the scripts to be a bit less puppy specific so it should work on other distros.
0.4.4 - Added --no-check-certificate to wget options per @Jasper's request. Also added the ability to download video from crowdcast. From Chrome you would need to click inspect -> Element -> copy element (the link that shows the m3u8 link. You'll need yt-dlp or youtube-dl for crowdcast downloads to work. I'm sure you could find the m3u8 link with firefox as well but I haven't tried yet.
0.4.5 - Added support for soundcloud with yt-dlp or youtube-dl
0.4.6 - Added mixcloud support with yt-dlp or youtube-dl. Added extra options when yt-dlp or youtube-dl is the downloading tool (pick the audio and/or video stream(s) to download).
0.4.7 - bugfixes and added yt-dlp update option to preferences
0.4.8 - bugfixes and changed main script to use either wget or curl so only one is required.
0.4.9 - code clean up
0.5.0 - some minor fixes and added @stemsee's gettext/trans function.
0.5.1 - added better support for mediafire and wetransfer
0.5.2 - added support for gofile and if wget is installed then the builtin scripts will update when certain sites are downloaded from
0.5.3 - minor bugfixes
0.5.4 - bugfixes...
0.5.5 - improved downloading video from facebook and some other minor tweaks
0.5.6 - Modified the preferences options
0.5.7 - sped up and improved obtaining link file name
0.5.8 - fixed some bugs, modified code to use yad instead of a terminal (i.e. using yad for a tail viewer or download progress bar with code borrowed from yad-wget & youtube-get3)
0.5.9 - bugfixes, added support for more file hosting sites, improved/simplified the preferences gui.
0.6.0 - bugfixes and added more options in the preferences section
0.6.1 - bugfix
0.6.2 - bugfix
0.6.3 - cleaned up some code and some minor improvements
0.6.4 - bugfixes and minor improvements
0.6.5 - minor improvements
For better support of mega.nz install megatools. This was compiled in vanilladpup 10 64bit:
Source code of megatools: