Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw broken in fossapup64

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Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw broken in fossapup64

Post by peppyy »

Edit Works on usb or hdd but not on cd, cdr, dvd, dvdr. See discussion for more details. Thanks @bigpup and @Flash

Is there a secret to getting a dvdrw to allow for saves on a disc? I wanted to create a live cd or dvd that allows me to test hardware. Put the fossa65-9.5 iso on it with pburn in open session. P burn reports the disk as a dvd rom after burning the iso.

pburn-disk-info.jpg (32.14 KiB) Viewed 578 times

I notice my cd info may have something to say.
Model : CDDVDW TS-H653T
Revision : H6D1
Hardware : CD-ROM or DVD
Can eject : Yes
Can close tray : Yes
Can disable manual eject : Yes
Can select juke-box disc : No

Can set drive speed : No
Can read multiple sessions (e.g. PhotoCD) : Yes
Can hard reset device : Yes

Can read Mode 2 Form 1 : Yes
Can read Mode 2 Form 2 : Yes
Can read (S)VCD (i.e. Mode 2 Form 1/2) : Yes
Can read C2 Errors : Yes
Can read IRSC : Yes
Can read Media Channel Number (or UPC) : Yes
Can play audio : Yes
Can read CD-DA : Yes
Can read CD-R : Yes
Can read CD-RW : Yes
Can read DVD-ROM : Yes

Can write CD-RW : Yes
Can write DVD-R : Yes
Can write DVD-RAM : Yes
Can write DVD-RW : No
Can write DVD+RW : No

Both the disc and the device are clearly labeled as RW. Am I missing a driver or something?
When booted live, ram, on shutdown there is no option to save to the disc, only my local drives.
PS: I had a much longer post I forgot to "submit" after preview. :roll:

Last edited by peppyy on Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

When you burned the ISO image to the disk.

Did you tell Pburn to leave it open when burn completed?

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by peppyy »

If you mean did I check the box to close disk? I don't see an option to keep it open?

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If this helps, I can still add folders/files to the dvd with Pburn.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

Not selecting to close it leaves it open.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

Ok I tried it with a fresh DVD burn.

On shutdown I selected to save and it took me to this window:

Screenshot.jpg (36.56 KiB) Viewed 529 times

Selected save to CD button.
It went to a final sanity selection to choose save or no save by pressing enter.
Move to selection you want by pressing tab.
save was highlighted so pressing enter should select to do it.

However it would do nothing by pressing enter.
Seems locked up.

So seems this option is broken in Fossapup64 9.5

If I selected the continue button.
It would go to what you normally see to select saving to an internal drive or USB drive.
That does seem to work.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by Flash »

For decades I've used burniso2cd from command line to burn multisession Puppy CDs and DVDs. It's never failed me, but the "Save" feature doesn't work right in some Puppys. Sometimes a multisession Puppy will save the first session to the DVD, but not any more. It seems to try, but nothing gets written to the DVD.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by peppyy »

I know in the past I have done this with no problems, for instance with Tahr64. I was thinking it must have something to do with my burner setup, (which works perfectly with everything else.)
I did create a save file with a different name "fossa64save-live" on the suggested partition, and have the option when I boot to my main copy to use it. It halts the boot and asks me to choose. It does not however choose that one when I boot to the disk. Probably because I have another version of fossa available, even when I choose do not load sfs.

Not sure where it would be located on the optical disk structure. Do you think if I burned the savefile to the disk in mnt/home it would be recognized and get used, or does it need to be in a specified location? I am guessing I could do that if I was running live?

I have looked everywhere I can think of, however I believe I have the last version of Pburn 5.3.19, although it appears that is not an issue.

The only thing I have found that might be somewhat relevant is in quickpet bugfixes was "fixed isomaster right click", probably not relevant.

Good to know that it isn't working right. I thought I was doing everything correctly.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

Any ideas you want to try, do it!

Any reason to not just use a USB Fossapup64 install and put the save on the USB?
Boot the computer(s) with the USB install.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by peppyy »

Don't have any empty USB drives right now. Might have to dust off one of my old 4 gig drives and copy the files somewhere first. :thumbup: Found a lexar 16gb with easyos on it but the dog bent it and I am not sure how trustworthy it is.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

My dog got one of my USB sticks.
Was still playing with a piece of black plastic.
Looking at it.
This is parts off a USB stick drive. :o :thumbdown:
Found all the pieces. :thumbup2:
Well, all I can say is Duck Tape will fix anything!! :thumbup: :lol:
Taped it back together.

Yes, it still works!

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by peppyy »

I resurrected the Lexar 16 with some help from DD and your advice I found on another post. It is still a bit bent but the sliding collar holds it together. Unfortunately it only appears to work once before I get an error.
"<i>Unable to read the contents of this file system!
Because of this some operations may be unavailable.
The cause might be a missing software package.
The following list of software packages is required for ext4 file system support: e2fsprogs v1.41+.</i>"

I have tried "which e2fsprogs" in terminal which returns nothing. Pfind reports it is in both usr/lib and var/builtin_files . When I could mount sdd2, ext4 it would flash the led incessantly. I am guessing a bad pin or something. Might have to get my jeweler's glasses out and have a looksie. :geek:

I had no problem formatting it after running

Code: Select all

 dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sxx bs=1M count=1
desktop(23).jpg (38.68 KiB) Viewed 387 times

Next time I tried to mount it though it was a no-go-again.
I guess until I can grab another drive to use I will put it on hold.

Question? If I set it up like the screenshot, is there any reason I couldn't do a regular frugal install to the usb as long as I put a boot record on the first partition?

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

To see what support you have for ext4 in whatever Puppy version you are working in.
Run Gparted ->View ->File System Support
That list of supported formats, will tell you what is supported, how, and if there is added needed software.

If I set it up like the screenshot, is there any reason I couldn't do a regular frugal install to the usb as long as I put a boot record on the first partition?

That is how I do USB installs.

Two partitions.
The frugal install on the 2nd partition and a boot loader on the first partition.

I use Frugalpup installer program to do the frugal install and install the boot loader.
I install both type boot loaders, so it can have what is needed to boot legacy bios or UEFI bios.
Each time I add a frugal install.
Running the boot loader install, updates the boot loader menu, and adds the new install to it.

I have one USB with 14 different Puppy frugal installs on it.
A boot loader on the 1st partition setup to boot them all.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

I have tried "which e2fsprogs" in terminal which returns nothing.

e2fsprogs is a package of programs, so it is not going to give you anything in a terminal.
It is not a single program.

Try having Gparted check the file system on the 2nd partition.

In Gparted.
Right click on the partition.
Select check.
See if it finds any errors and fixes them.

Could just need to delete the partition and do it all over again.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by peppyy »

Could just need to delete the partition and do it all over again.

Unfortunately not after I got the case off it. It bit the dust. I had two pairs of magnifiers and and a magnifying glass and couldn't see anything wrong with it until I found the tiny cracks in the circuit board. Beyond my skill level and tools. Found several of my usb drives on my wife's desk, consolidated them, backed them up to a storage partition, and left her with 2 of them so I am back to 3 ;)

I have another 32gb Adata 3.0 I cleaned off to play with. I put a 300mb fat32 boot sector, with boot and efi flags, a 4gb ext4 for os, and and the rest is ext4 for save. I am guessing I can put savefiles on their own partition and choose which one I want when booting. It should be pupmode 13 so I have the choice to save, or not, correct?

Should I create a folder for the os in case I want to add another?

Update Got it all set up on the Adata drive with no issues. Now on to playing with all the stuff to create my custom version. It is nice to be able to modify one version to suit a certain need. Another cool thing is that it boots almost as fast as the frugal ssd install I use every day!

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Thanks to everyone for all the help!

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

For sure put all the files from a specific Puppy version in it's own directory. That is a frugal install.

If you add another Puppy version install.

That keeps the Puppy versions specific files separated and easy to find.

Best for the boot loader config program if you name the directories the name of the Puppy version in it.
The boot loader setup looks for specific names to figure out it is a Puppy version install.

The new or newest Puppies have no problem having saves on another partition.
But putting them in the same directory with the other specific Puppy version files is the normal way.

Ext 4 full support is not in every possible Puppy version.
Some old or very old versions may not have it.

I to have a partition for data storage with a save backup directory.
I put backup copies of the different Puppy version saves in it.
A save gets messed up. There is a copy backup to replace it with. Use copy to old save location command to replace the bad save you delete. You still have the backup.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

It should be pupmode 13 so I have the choice to save, or not, correct?

But you do have settings for this you can select in the Puppy Event Manager ->Save session.

pupmode 13 operation should make a save icon on the desktop after you make a save and boot using it.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by peppyy »

I created a folder for called fossausb for the sfs files and did the same for the save file. That works perfectly. The only issue I had was that somehow it seems to have grabbed some extra sfs files from somewhere else which I believe was on a different drive. Libre office, 32bit compatibility, masterpdfeditor and gimp, etc. I tracked it down and they are from sdc2. I may have had it mounted when I created the save? No biggy though because I can remove them if I don't need them on that save.I noticed they were not auto-mounted since they had never been installed.

Screenshot.png (181.86 KiB) Viewed 289 times

I have made copies of my important save files on another storage partition. Good reminder since it has been a while. I usually back up every several months and remove one of the older backups.

I seldom run anything older than Thar64, so ext4 works fine for me. I do however have cd's back to 1.03 that I can easily find. The older ones are deep in another archive and probably go back to 0.8 for the ancient thinkpads. I actually mounted one of the old ide drives the other day to get some old photos for my daughter.

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by bigpup »

Not sure why you would get other SFS's in the frugal install directory.
I can not think of anything, in doing a frugal install, would do it.

What I was saying about naming the frugal install directory the name of the Puppy version.

For Fossapup64 9.5 I name the directory for the frugal install:

One reason is, the boot loaders in Puppy are setup to look for names with pup in them, to identify it as a Puppy frugal install directory.
So, they make a boot loader menu entry for it.
The specific Puppy version names, are also looked for, but I have found, having Pup in the directory name, makes sure it is found.

Using the complete name of the Puppy version for the frugal install directory.

If you have a bunch of frugal installs, even different versions of a named Puppy.
It is easy to find it's specific directory.
Especially if you are helping to test different version releases of a named Puppy.
I have two frugal installs of BookwormPup64 on the same partition of a USB drive.
The frugal install directories are named:
bookworm10.0.3 ->For BookwormPup64 10.0.3
bookwormpup6410.0.4 ->For BookwormPup64 10.0.4

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Re: Pburn and save file on dvd+r rw

Post by peppyy »

It finds the os and boots fine, runs great. The only confusion I have is I appear to have 2 save files. On in it's own folder/mnt/sdd3/fossausb I created, and another in /mnt/sdd3
I think when I was running live from the cd, before rebooting I saved the file? I will look and see which one is newer next time I boot.

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Grub says it is in the folder I created.

Code: Select all

search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set  7de4ae30-98d8-4c16-bcb4-cf140e93d5c8
    echo "Loading vmlinuz"
    linux /fossausb/vmlinuz pmedia=usbflash pdrv=os psubdir=/fossausb pfix=fsck,fsckp TZ=EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0
    echo "Loading initrd.gz"
    initrd /fossausb/initrd.gz

Interestingly, I have 3 installs of fossapup64 on different drives. I installed to a brand new drive when I thought my older drive was failing. Turned out it was a bad sata cable. Now I have a true portable I can use on almost any computer.

Puppy Linux. It just works!
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